Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Benjamin Lowy News

dnj Gallery artist, Benjamin Lowy, recently spoke at the SoHo Apple Store and sent out information on his most current activity. Here is a link to view a slideshow of some of his favorite images in 2010. Enjoy!

Benjamin Lowy_Afghan_iPhone
An iphone photo from the ViDi project: iPhone Afghanistan essay

I hope this promo finds you well and that you are off to a great start in 2011. This year started with my Oil on Water essay featured on the New York Time’s Lens blog. Also, on the one year anniversary of the Haiti earthquake, Newsweek.com hosted a video I produced chronicling the earthquake aftermath. On Monday January 24 at 7pm, I will be speaking at the SoHo Apple Store covering a retrospective of my work and my current iPhone project ViDi. I hope to see you there.

Since my last promo, I have completed assignments for the Wall St. Journal, ESPN, Fortune, Business Week, Inc., Fast Company, Vogue.com and Daily Beast. My Disaster in the Gulf series was featured in Fraction J magazine and my Storylines and Iraq Perspectives projects were projected on the exterior wall of the Corcoran Museum during Foto Week DC. I have also been selected as a finalist in the Duke First Book Prize this year.

On a personal note, I am happy to announce that my wife, Marvi Lacar and I are expecting our second child this summer! Mateo is now a mobile and very active 1 year old.

I will be en route to Afghanistan on January 25 and will be available for assignments after the 1st of February.

Mobile: +1.917.412.4985
Email: ben@benlowy.com
AIM/Skype: jaminlowy
Url: www.benlowy.com
Twitter: benlowy
Facebook: Benjamin Lowy Photography
Blog: www.benlowy.tumblr.com

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